Membership Of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities is by calendar year.

Membership is administered by Oxford University Press.

Members may choose the ‘membership only’ option (AUD$50 approx) or elect to also subscribe to the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, which is published on behalf of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities journal

Note that subscriptions are denominated in British pounds, Euros, or US dollars.

Once you become a member you will be emailed an OUP ‘customer’ number, which doubles as your aaDH ‘subscriber’ number. This number must be quoted to receive membership discounts including discounted registration rates at international DH and aaDH conferences.

Note that subscribers are asked to select which ADHO association they wish to join. Scroll down the page and select the option to join the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities.

Your subscription is invaluable to the association.

Read about the aaDH to learn more about subscriber benefits and how you will be helping to foster our growing research community.